Visiting different web sites, we found this interesting place called CodePlex, a dedicated hosting web site for the "Open Source Project Community", where everybody can place their projects and share them with the rest of the community.
There are many programs available for all tastes and needs. Here we found this interesting program called Duplicate Images Finder. This is an initial release program dedicated to search through your image files collection and find duplicates not only by file name or size, but also by visual similarity.
This tiny program will work very well, when you have several photos in places in your disks (it happens quite often) that you do not remember, because you did not take the caution to save them in the right place. Or for example, when you took a lot of pictures from a specific event and you felt like picking up the best moments for your personal collection. Duplicate Images Finder is very convenient to use; you just need to use this program according to your needs.
This application runs the search option very fast and compares and finds the similarity between photos and then processes the results deploying the images. Quite simple. This program works fine and it is free! If you need this tool to find your duplicate photos for any reason, download it from its web site. We encourage you to visit this community place that has very interesting programs.